Wednesday, May 12, 2010

vancouver korea nights fanaccount

hehe good afternoon girlies! okay as promised, here's my fan account

헤 헤 좋은오후네요! 음 약속했던데로 제 팬 어카운트 입니다

So I went out late the night before so my mom didn't want me to go out again last night.
I had to sneak out of my house LOL. I'd do ANYTHING for Jay puahaha (as I'm sure most of us girls would) My friend was texting me while I was in the cab telling me what was happening at the club
그제 놀러나가서 엄마가 어젯밤에는 못나가게 했어요. 그래서 전 몰래 빠져나갔어요 ㅋㅋ 제이를 위해서라면 뭐든 할거에요 (뭐 대부분의 여자들이 그러겠지만요) 제가 택시에 있는동안 클럽에서 무슨일이 있었는지 친구가 문자로 보내줬어요

first text: Fabric (the club) is pretty empty...Jay's not here yet second text: he's supposed to be here at 12 !!! and then she texted me at 12:30 "JAY IS HERE!!!"
첫 번째 문자: 패브릭(클럽) 좀 텅텅 비었어 제이는 아직 안왔고
두번째 문자:제이 12시에 와야되는데!!!
그리고 12시30분에 다시 문자가 왔어요 "제이 왔다!!!"

So once I got in it was 12:45-ish. I found my friend and then she led me to where Jay was sitting
As soon as I saw a swarm of girls I knew where he was. He was in the V.I.P section which made me a little sad because I wanted to talk to him. While he was in the VIP section some people were trying to sneak pictures. My friend who is a club promoter saw this and confiscated some of their cameras cause the rules were NO PICTURES or VIDEOS of Jay even at the club.
12시45분쯤에 도착했을 때 친구를 찾았고 친구가 절 제이가 있는데로 이끌었어요. 여자애들이 몰려있는걸 보고 어디에 그가 있는지 알았죠. 말걸고싶었는데 그는 VIP 섹션에 있어서 좀 슬펐어요. VIP섹션에 있을 때 사람들이 몰래 사진을 찍으려고 하기도 했구요. 클럽 프로모터였던 제 친구가 그걸 보고 규칙은 클럽에서 제이 사진이나 비디오를 찍을 수 없으니 카메라 몇을 압수하기도 했어요

Once my friend and I saw that he was there we decided to let him chill with Hep and the other guys while we did our own thing. So we danced for about half an hour when the MC announced "Jay Park is up on stage!"
제 친구랑 전 그냥 헵이랑 놀고 지들 하고픈거 하라고 저희도 한 삼십분정도 춤 췄어요. 그리고 엠씨가 "제이팍이 스테이지에 있어요!!"

Right away my friend and I bolted up on stage to see Jay, Hep and the others (Sorry, I really didn't know who they were!!!) Basically it was like a tight circle and they were all dancing together. So like a super small b-boy circle almost. It was hell being stuck there, girls were pushing and shoving when they didn't need to be. Now I usually don't push and shove but when this girl pushed me I made sure to push her back LOL I had to tell her whassup yanoe. Oh and I was literally right behind Hep as if he were grinding on me LOL btw that boy is really short, I towered over him in my heels LOL I'm quite the shorty myself I'm about 5'3 and with my heels I was about 5'6 I was relieved that Jay was still taller than me even though I was in heels ^___^
I think he's about 5'7-5'8
저랑 제 친구는 스테이지에 제이, 헵, 그리고 다른사람들(누군지 잘 몰라요!)을 보러갔어요. 딱 동그랗게 원을 만들어서 춤을 추고있더라구요. 작은 비보이그룹같았어요. 거기에서 못빠져나오고있었던건 좀 짜증났어요. 여자애들이 밀고 당기고 난리였거든요. 저 원래 안밀고 그러는데 어떤 여자애가 밀어서 확실하게 저도 밀어주고 그랬어요 ㅋㅋ 아 그리고 저는 헵 바로 뒤에있었어요 ㅋㅋ 마치 헵이랑 저랑 부비부비..추는듯 말에요 ㅎㅎ 아 그리고 참 키가 작더라구요. 힐 신고 제가 더 컸어요 ㅋㅋ 저도 키가 157정도 되는데 힐신고 165정도 되거든요. 제가 힐 신고도 제이보다 키가 작아서 다행이에요 ^___^ 한 키가 168~170 되보이더라구요

While we were in that circle, some girl managed to make her way in the middle of it and then she tried dancing with Jay. She started putting her arms on his shoulder and around his neck and he politely said no while waving his hands in front of him.
그 서클에서 있을 때 어떤 여자애가 서클 안으로 뚫고 들어가서 제이랑 춤추려고 했어요. 목에 손을 감고 어깨에 손을 올리는등 제이랑 춤을 추려고 했지만 제이가 예의바르게 손을 내저으며 '노'라고 하더군요

After this the MC said there would be some booty-shaking contest and that Jay would be judging. So I made my way over to the other stage to watch. To my disappointment, Jay wasn't the judge. It was this other Korean guy who is a bboy.
그리고 나서는 엠씨가 '엉덩이흔들기'(섹시댄스?ㅋㅋ)댄스 컨테스트가 있고 제이가 심판을 볼거라구 하더군요. 그래서 스테이지로 가서 보려고 했어요. 근데 실망스럽게도 제이는 심판이 아니고 다른 한국인 비보이가 보더라구요

Sadly that was the last I saw of Jay. He was MIA the whole night after that. When Korean songs started coming on I was dancing with my other friend who had been with Hep and Jay and the others half of the night. I was anticipating for 2**'s Again & Again since a part of me wanted Jay to just come out and do the dance for us. When it came on Jay was still nowhere to be seen (probably in the VIP area) and his friends did not seem very happy about it. They did the motion where you move your hand in front of your neck back and forth as if to say "cut the song." The DJ obviously didn't see them through the huge crowd. After a few seconds they eventually shrugged and decided to make the best of the song by honoring the dance we all know so well. Hep knew it all too 
슬프게도 그게 제이를 본 마지막이였어요. 그리고는 밤새 그는 MIA(Missing In Action:행방불명)였거든요. 한국노래가 나올대 전 헵이랑 제이랑 있었던 다른 친구들과 함께 춤을 췄었어요. 저는 2**의 Again & Again 이 나와서 제이가 우릴위해 그 춤을 추길 바랬어요. 그노래가 나왔을 때 제이는 없었고(아마도 vip공간에 있었나봐요) 친구들은 별로 달가워하지 않던거같더라구요. 그래서 손으로 목을 긋는 표시를 하면서 마치 '노래 꺼'라는 듯 손짓을 햇어요. 사람이 많으니깐 DJ는 못본거 같더라구요. 그리고나선 그냥 그 노래를 최고로 만들기로 결정했는듯 우리가 잘 알고있는 그 춤을 추더라구요. 헵도 잘 알더군요 ㅎ

Me and my two girl friends were dancing with Hep and two other guys. Hep is very funny haha and it's so cute cause he's a shorty 
저랑 다른 두명 친구들은 다른 남자들 두명이랑 헵이랑 춤을 췄어요 ㅋㅋ 헵은 참 웃기고 너무 작아서 귀엽더라구요

So my friend who was lucky enough to get to sit in the VIP area with them for awhile was telling me how Jay was so so so nice. It's true that he really does not drink AT ALL. I mean we all know he cares a lot about his health and doesn't drink or smoke but I was just so impressed that he wouldn't drink even in a clubbing environment with his buddies who were all drinking!!! I LOVE THIS MAN. hehe.
운좋게도 vip구역에 갈수 있었던 친구가 제이가 정말정말 착하다고 하더군요. 술을 전혀 안마신단건 사실이더라구요. 우리 모두가 그가 건강(몸)을 위해술을 안마시거나 담배를 안피는건 알고있었지만 클럽분위기에서 친구들도 술을 마시는데 술을 안마신다는게 놀랍더라구요. 정말 이남자 사랑합니다!!!

When they asked him to go out on the dance floor he said "maybe later" he didn't seem like he wanted to really be there which I don't blame him for. He must've been really tired from the Korean Night show. He did give my friends autographs though which is good. I'm still happy with his autograph on my sweater from when he came for the b-boy battle ^__^
댄 스플로어로 나가자고 하자 제이가 "아마 나중에요"라고 말했어요. 저도 이해가 되지만 아마 나가기 싫어하는 것 가더라구요. 공연때문에 아마 무지 피곤했을 거에요. 제 친구한테 사인도 했어요. 전 제이가 비보이공연때 스웨터에 사인해준거 자체로 아직 행복하답니다 ^_^

My guess is he's not supposed to give autographs at events if there's a lot of people but if you were to run into him or something I'm sure it'd be fine.
제 생각에는 제이가 사람많은 공연같은데서는 사인을 못하게 되있지만 마주친다거나 하면 괜찮을 것 같애요

He also pinky-swore with them saying he would take pictures as well but we had to leave in a hurry so that never got to happen (one of my friends got too drunk and she got kicked out so naturally we all left with her)
그는 사진도 같이 찍을거라고 애끼손가락 걸고 약속했지만 급하게 떠나는바람에 이루어지지 않았구요(제친구중에 한명이 너무 취해 쫓겨나는 바람에 저희도 같이 떠났구요)

K I think that's everything...
hehe this took me almost an hour to write.
뭐 이게 다 인거 같애요
이거 쓰느라 한시간이나 걸렸네요 ㅋㅋ

But he still looks the best in PINK.
제이 빨간옷이 너무 잘어울렸어요
근데 핑크가 제일 잘어울리는 것 같아요 ㅎ
no no no no no...^^

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