We started in the morning and finished at 5 p.m., which was eight hours later~~
The six members of the wrapping team left straight for Namyang, where Jaebeom was to hold a press conference and a public revealing of the movie set.
On our way, we got a message from the ‘Park Jaebeom band’.
A text that said Jaebeom arrived in Namyang… That he was wearing a gray shirt and now a black muscle shirt ’cause he took it off… my heart was beating…
Last night, I prayed, “Jaebeom, let me see you just once, ok?” staring into his picture…
We got there around 6 p.m., thanks to the outstanding road choice of our “oppa” unnie.
The viewing time was already over… my heart started beating again at the sight of the gate.
The security guard asked us why we were here…
The “oppa” unnie cooly said, “We heard there was the revealing of the set~” and he replied ever so kindly, ”Oh~~ Hype Nation? Do you know how to get there? Just follow that road~”. ^^
After following the road, we arrived at this place called Oon-ahm, where Jaebeom was supposedly present…
Before the path to Oon-ahm, a staff member blocks us. We need to go by foot…
So we started climbing the mountainous path… It was beautiful…
It was surrounded by mountains… the air was clean… wasn’t too hot…
It was weird..as we climbed higher, we saw fans descend one by one…
Then a black van swooshes by us.
“Huh? It’s a van!! There’s a Sidus sticker on the back,” and I turned my head too quickly.
What do you know, Jaebeom was in it… T_T
I was so embarassed… what if Jaebeom laughed at me from inside the van… T_T
We returned with our car, hearing that the press conference started at 7:30 in the Cinetheatre.
Jaebeom had already gotten off the van and was inside…
Had it been 30 minutes? A staff member came outside…
I smell Jaebeom coming out…kekek
When we got off our car and walked there… the fans there were promising the staff not to scream, nor take pictures, nor disrupt the order so that they would be allowed to see Jaebeom…
Yes… just see him and become an idiot!
Finally, human figures started appearing… T-ae was there… and finally… a silouhette wearing a muscle shirt…
Kyaaa!! It’s Jaebeom!
It was dark but Jaebeom was shining!!
I was right in front of where Jaebeom was exiting… as soon as we saw Jaebeom, me and two others made a heart above our heads..
Jaebeom looked at us and bowed and said thank you~ then he bowed to other fans…
And left in the van…
At this point.. I was too hyper to realize if I had actually seen Jaebeom or not..?
When I was looking down at him, he seemed pretty tall, then as he walked up the stairs, he didn’t seem that much taller than me… about 169cm~170cm? Yes that sounds right…
So we tried to go back to the Oon-ahm place but the staff said Jaebeom didn’t have a scene today…
We went back, feeling sorry for ourselves… it was raining too… and we were getting hungry…
The restaurants around here were all near the streets.
We were wishing that Jaebeom would eat in one of these… looking at the restaurants…
Hey guess what!! A Sidus van!!
We got off thinking, ah Jaebeom must be eating in a private room… but what a nice restaurant, they didn’t have any!
Jaebeom was eating!!!
We seated ourselves inside… Jaebeom’s table and the far ones were already full with customers and fans… we could only sit at the back table…
We ordered food carelessly… I was busy staring at Jaebeom…
He was sitting below a yellow florescent light… he was really shining…
People say he’s really white but ‘clear’ would be more correct… even if he had makeup on his face… the neck…the shoulder line… ah his flesh was so pretty…I was so thankful to see him in summer.
I was looking at his back but I could get a glimpse of his sideline when he would turn his head to eat.
His eyeline is a piece of art… the line showed a bit at the end of his eyelid.. his eyelashes are super long… when he was roasting the meat, the line would go down slightly… it was seriously so beautiful.
He munches on the food, just like in the videos…
He’s not that good with chopsticks… but it’s cute.. keke
He doesn’t really eat the side dishes.. he only ate rice and meat.. then he chewed on lettuce .. kekek
After he was finished one bowl of rice, he stopped eating meat as well..
One man sitting beside him said, “Why, you should eat more”… Jaebeom didn’t.. and roasted some for the man…
Then I could finally see other people.. like Hep~~ Hep also had super small face and very good skin..
Is it because they don’t smoke/drink, just b-boy? They look fresher than high schoolers… kekek
And they didn’t talk much, they just ate.. hehe
Jaebeom answers his phone… it wasn’t the white iPhone I saw in a video but a flip phone…
Took the call with his right hand and roasted meat with his left, then hit the tongs a bit cause a burnt garlic was stuck in it… keke
He gently wiped sweat with the back of his hand… he pulled out some tissue like a tough guy and stamped his sweat away…
Was he bored? He straightened out his legs while sitting…
I saw his thighs too… he really did have an upsidedown triangle body so he had a small waist.
Those thighs were perfect for that waist…
Everyone says jaebeom has weak lower body but… no… it’s perfect.. keke
Then I followed “oppa” unnie outside, who was answering a call, in order to see Jay’s face.
Oh! Then Jaebeom got up.
He bowed to the table I was at.
As Jaebeom exited, all the fans waved to him, and he bowed back.
He bowed towards me first!! kyaaaa… I bowed really big… T_T
Ah..so embarassing…
A male fan waves his fan saying, “Male fan! Male fan!” Jaebeom, looking at this says, “Oh, fighting!” and grasps his fist!!
kyaaa!! I’mma die~~~
When the male fan asked for an autograph… Jaebeom cutely flinches one of his eyes and apologized, “Sorry. I’ll do it next time.” and left in a hurry in a van…
A few cars followed Jaebeom… I returned to the restaurant… and chewed on samgyupsal or whatever it was…
*sigh*… What an unforgettable day…
I, who can’t even go to a meeting or to a movie without worrying about my family… saw Jaebeom… ate in the same placce… made eye contact.. and all this was just making me so happy!!
I dunno if I will get a chance like this again… but my heart is still beating really fast… and Jaebeom is flying around in my head…
Jaebeom is so pretty.. and well-mannered.. and he was just a great guy like that!!
This is now a sacred place!!
Jaebeom ate it all... You see that eyeline and those lashes? Sooo pretty ^^
He's done eating and is roasting for other people~~
Answering the phone~~ Who is it? Peatry? Yeah??
God, his shoulder line is just a killer, eh?
I shot this with my phone... keke Jaebeom scratching...
Where Jaebeom ate... He left his spoon and chopsticks placed backwards... He ate with the rice bowl lid prettily placed like that... hehe He wiped his sweat a lot so there are a lot of tissues ^^
Jaebeom's rice bowl... I brought it with me... sniffed it... touched it... kekeke I tried everything... I still haven't washed it... It's too precious... --;;;
A dongsaeng I went with said this was beside Jaebeom's chair... At that time, I was outside... It's a leftover sticker from the gift-wrapping session... Jaebeom bowed and smiled at her...and bowed again at her when he left ...T_T waaaahh...
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