Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
jay is single! and all is well with the world :D
재 범=범블비
그 시절에도 재범이는 범블비의 상징 검노를 입고있네요
재범 이도 선택한 범블비 어떠세요 ^-'
even during those days, jaebeom wore a outfit symbolizing a bumblebee.
how do you all feel about jaebeom's choosing bumblebee?^-'
netizen comments:
its fate.
jae(재) bum(범)=bum(범)blebee(블비)
this must be fate.
bumblebee is real
its fate.
jae(재) bum(범)=bum(범)blebee(블비)
this must be fate.
bumblebee is real
source: dc
fanclub name vote
jay effect(?)
seems to be the front runner. its an okay name but then do we call ourselves jay effectors???jaywalker
another favorite but im not to keen on it considering its connotation of an offense. also, there seems to be another kartist with the name j-walk and their fans are called jaywalkers. no drama people. please!bumblebee♥
unconventional but insanely cute^^ alot of plays on the name ie. beombee, bbees, bb's(like babies) can you imagine jay thanking his bb's. yes, keke!over the top
i didn't know this but its the name of jay's first and biggest personal fanclub in Korea before he left. jay never left messages on the official fan website but wrote comments on over the top. they supported him from predebut and means a lot to him. its a bit heavy tho and i don't know what fans would call themselves.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
yoon talks peatry
peatry? the first day he came home, he slept in my lap. he was smaller than my hand. now...its so crazy because of him! go away peatry!!!
peatry?hm...when i was....16??? now.....hes about 7 years old.
yes! actually, peatry is calm! but when you first enter the house....ohmygod. even if its a face he sees everyday...he goes crazy.
the as long as my arm....when it hurts! the smell is no joke too.
we, the fans, helped jaebeom stand up
From a posting on tellzone:
I found this best netizen comment on a new contract article and I found it really cute:
넘 기쁩니다source: tellzone
재범군이 더이상 상처받지 않고 .. 그의 천부적인 재능을 펼칠수 있게 되어서 ^^
이제부터 시작입니다
귀국날 많이 가셔서 따뜻하게 환영하자구요
Im so happy.
Jaebeom won't be hurt anymore..He'll be able to develop his natural talents^^
This is the beginning.
Let's all welcome him warmly the day of his returns.
I found this best netizen comment on a new contract article and I found it really cute:
안좋았던건 다털어버리고
지금부터 새롭게 힘차게 시작해요
항상 화이팅입니다!
Park Jaebum hyung
I love you
Just brush off all the bad stuff that's happened
Now you can start fresh
Always fighting!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Buzz Watch: Jay Park
This just in! Remember our article on Jay Park a few months ago? Over the past few months, we have gotten to know this incredibly talented artist and today, we are pleased to announce that DMW's CEO and entertainment attorney Ned Sherman is representing artist Jay Park (aka Park Jaebeom) with respect to his global entertainment career.
"We are thrilled to be working with Jay. He is incredibly talented and has the work ethic, talent, charisma and fan support to have a big career on a global level,” said Mr. Sherman. “It’s rare that you come across an artist like Jay. He really loves and cares about his fans and it shows. We are working on a number of big projects which we will be announcing soon.”
“Every opportunity that comes to me is possible because of the fans. I'm so thankful, and I will try my hardest to make everyone proud.” said Jay Park.
Mr. Sherman, who is also Founder and CEO of Digital Media Wire, Inc., a global leader in entertainment and media industry news, is working with a top group of entertainment industry advisors including the entertainment department at the law firm of Loeb & Loeb LLP on the representation.
'나에게 오는 모든 기회는 전부 나의 팬덕분이예요,. 나는 정말로 고맙고 그리고 정말 모든 사람들이 자랑스러워하게끔 열심히 노력할겁니다.'
Entertainment Attorney Ned Sherman Representing Jay Park on Global Entertainment Career
"We are thrilled to be working with Jay. He is incredibly talented and has the work ethic, talent, charisma and fan support to have a big career on a global level," said Mr. Sherman. "It's rare that you come across an artist like Jay. He really loves and cares about his fans and it shows. We are working on a number of big projects which we will be announcing soon."
"Every opportunity that comes to me is possible because of the fans. I'm so thankful, and I will try my hardest to make everyone proud," said Jay Park.
Mr. Sherman, who is also Founder and CEO of Digital Media Wire, Inc., a global leader in entertainment and media industry news, is working with a top group of entertainment industry advisors including the entertainment department at the law firm of Loeb & Loeb LLP on the representation.
About The Law Offices of Edward Sherman:
The Law Offices of Edward Sherman is the Los Angeles-based law practice for attorney Ned Sherman. Mr. Sherman is a member of the California bar association and practices entertainment and corporate law representing a variety of clients in entertainment and media ventures. For more information, please visit
About Digital Media Wire, Inc:
Digital Media Wire is the leading industry trade company focused on the digital media industry. The company owns and produces twelve annual conferences featuring the leading executives in entertainment, media and technology. Digital Media Wire also publishes an authoritative email newsletter, job listings and blog posts and runs a daily news service. For more information, please visit:
SOURCE Digital Media Wire, Inc.
source: prnewswire
please let this be what we've all been waiting and hoping for jay. ;_;; <3
Thursday, May 27, 2010
battle royal
기다리는 것에 지치지 않을 수 있었던 것은 간간히 재범이가 모습을 들어냈을때조차
남을 생각했기 때문이야.
지금은 남이 되버린 가족을 생각했기 때문이야.
몸이 망가져서 제 몸하나 가누기 힘들던 사람이
멍청하게도 쓰러져있으면서도 자기 몸보다 남의 몸걱정 부터 했기 때문이야.
너넨 모르지?
재범이가 우리를 받아들이는데 5개월이 넘게 걸렸다는 거?
자신의 팬이라고 편지를 보내고 선물을 보내도
우리를 자신의 사람이라 생각하는데 우린 5개월을 넘게 기다렸어.
너희들은 기다림이 없었잖아?
우린 유투브로 답장하나 받는데 5개월하고도 19일을 기다렸어.
재범이가 우리를 자기사람이라고 인정하는데 걸린시간이야.
늬들 그래 잘난 오빠들은 쉬지도 않고 너네 앞에서 춤을 췄잖아. 브라운관에서.
우리가 보이콧을 하던말던 너넨 상관없이 너 좋아하는 오빠보면서 팬질하고 행복해한거 알아.
우린 더이상 국물도 안나올 사골 자료들 갖고 팬질을 버텨가면서 재범이한테 팬으로 인정 받는데만 5개월이 넘었어.
그런 지긋지긋한 식민갤 이제 돌려달라고?
개같은 소리하고 앉아있네
너희들이 그 미칠 것 같은 기다림을 알아?
비보이영상 하나에 눈앞에 있지 않은 사람을 팬질하는게 쉬운건줄 알아?
주위에서 사진하나 찍힌걸로 살아는 있구나 하면서 팬질하는
그 기다림을 모르면 너넨 아무말도 하면 안되는거야.
그땐 아무말도 못하고 밖에서 팬질한 것들이 이제 식민갤 돌려달라고?
아무것도 모르면서 이제 슬슬 기어나와서 식민갤 돌려달라고 하지마.
예전에 하던것처럼 그렇게 숨어서 팬질해.
이건 어디까지나 기다린 줄 모른 너희들 탓이야.
처음부터 기다림이 없었던 너희탓이야.
결국은 모든건 너네탓이었던거야.
source: tellzone
남을 생각했기 때문이야.
지금은 남이 되버린 가족을 생각했기 때문이야.
몸이 망가져서 제 몸하나 가누기 힘들던 사람이
멍청하게도 쓰러져있으면서도 자기 몸보다 남의 몸걱정 부터 했기 때문이야.
너넨 모르지?
재범이가 우리를 받아들이는데 5개월이 넘게 걸렸다는 거?
자신의 팬이라고 편지를 보내고 선물을 보내도
우리를 자신의 사람이라 생각하는데 우린 5개월을 넘게 기다렸어.
너희들은 기다림이 없었잖아?
우린 유투브로 답장하나 받는데 5개월하고도 19일을 기다렸어.
재범이가 우리를 자기사람이라고 인정하는데 걸린시간이야.
늬들 그래 잘난 오빠들은 쉬지도 않고 너네 앞에서 춤을 췄잖아. 브라운관에서.
우리가 보이콧을 하던말던 너넨 상관없이 너 좋아하는 오빠보면서 팬질하고 행복해한거 알아.
우린 더이상 국물도 안나올 사골 자료들 갖고 팬질을 버텨가면서 재범이한테 팬으로 인정 받는데만 5개월이 넘었어.
그런 지긋지긋한 식민갤 이제 돌려달라고?
개같은 소리하고 앉아있네
너희들이 그 미칠 것 같은 기다림을 알아?
비보이영상 하나에 눈앞에 있지 않은 사람을 팬질하는게 쉬운건줄 알아?
주위에서 사진하나 찍힌걸로 살아는 있구나 하면서 팬질하는
그 기다림을 모르면 너넨 아무말도 하면 안되는거야.
그땐 아무말도 못하고 밖에서 팬질한 것들이 이제 식민갤 돌려달라고?
아무것도 모르면서 이제 슬슬 기어나와서 식민갤 돌려달라고 하지마.
예전에 하던것처럼 그렇게 숨어서 팬질해.
이건 어디까지나 기다린 줄 모른 너희들 탓이야.
처음부터 기다림이 없었던 너희탓이야.
결국은 모든건 너네탓이었던거야.
source: tellzone
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
from a tellzone posting:
source: tellzone transcredits: soompi
'As you all know, JYPE has been trying to release rumors about Jay's private life (issue with girls).heres what i say to this:
They can't release the issue themselves so they've been saying nasty things behind everyone's backs.
They've been giving bribes to the broadcast producers and writers. The three major broadcast channels and cable broadcast associates are aware of this. I have a few friends that are writers and a lot of Jay fans have been claiming it.'
source: tellzone transcredits: soompi
please save my wife ;_;;
a cute post from a husband receiving the wrong end of the jay effect. poor ajusshi.
'Personally I didn't even know who Jaebum was, and what group he belonged to. I'm a man in his mid 40s. But lately my wife has been going crazy over Jaebum, as a husband I've been pushed aside, and the kids have been pushed aside. She said she will be going to the airport on may 31-june 1st/2nd and I asked why, and she said because Jaebum is coming. I couldn't believe my ears, no words could come out. Ever since my wife got into jaebum, she has been able to talk well with the kids and it looked good, and I just want to keep an eye on her but she keeps comparing me to jaebum and my confidence level is starting to rot…'source trans
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
05.24 Best Videos -
05.24 Best Videos
01 --------------------------------------------------
02. 2010 Dream Concert 2pm ParkJaebeom!!! video
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04 --------------------------------------------------
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06 --------------------------------------------------
Monday, May 24, 2010
Jaebum makes it in Taiwanese newspaper
Headline: "2PM" Jaebum Spotted in Taiwan
(loose translation since the literal meaning sounds as if he got caught while hiding there)
Caption under picture: "2PM" former leader Jaebum spotted in Shilin night market the other day.
Korean popular idol group 2PM's former leader, Jaebum, appeared at the Shilin night market in Taipei [Taiwan] last Friday. He was spotted by sharp-eyed Thai fans and readily agreed to take a picture together. Upon finding out, Taiwanese fans all felt that it was a pity [to miss him], "The people who got to meet him are so lucky. I really want to hug him."
Last year, Jaebum was forced to leave his group due to negative comments made about Korea. Thereafter, he was terminated by his company due to personal moral issues. Sources suggest that he came to Taiwan for a vacation and to recharge. He stayed for about a week and left for America yesterday. He will be starring in the American movie "Hype Nation" as a dancer.
CREDITS : chingyi_jay @ (SCANNED ARTICLE); wackycashew@2ONEDAY.COM (TRANS)
(loose translation since the literal meaning sounds as if he got caught while hiding there)
Caption under picture: "2PM" former leader Jaebum spotted in Shilin night market the other day.
Korean popular idol group 2PM's former leader, Jaebum, appeared at the Shilin night market in Taipei [Taiwan] last Friday. He was spotted by sharp-eyed Thai fans and readily agreed to take a picture together. Upon finding out, Taiwanese fans all felt that it was a pity [to miss him], "The people who got to meet him are so lucky. I really want to hug him."
Last year, Jaebum was forced to leave his group due to negative comments made about Korea. Thereafter, he was terminated by his company due to personal moral issues. Sources suggest that he came to Taiwan for a vacation and to recharge. He stayed for about a week and left for America yesterday. He will be starring in the American movie "Hype Nation" as a dancer.
CREDITS : chingyi_jay @ (SCANNED ARTICLE); wackycashew@2ONEDAY.COM (TRANS)
who is ned sherman?
jay was in Taiwan last week at the same time ned sherman tweeted about his new project in taipei. so, who is ned sherman? he's the co-founder, ceo & publisher of Digital Media Wire, Inc. his wife wrote a great article on jay back in march. is that the back of ned shermans head standing next to jay? looks like it to me...
jay at shilin night market.
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